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Water and Sewer Department Minutes 2014/01/30
Board of Commissioners Meeting
January 30, 2014
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup – Chairman, Peter Hill, Charlie Smith, Ken Meyer, Kurt Markarian
Also present:  Dave Bailey
Absent:  Paul Manson, Dave Cain

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:38p.m.
  • Forms for Signing:
December 23rd, 2013 Meeting Minutes:  Pete H. made a motion to accept the minutes from December 23rd, 2013 as written, seconded by Charlie S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
January 2, 2014 special Meeting Minutes: Pete H. made the motion to accept,                           seconded by Ken M., no discussion, voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
December Sewer Purchase Journal: Ken M made the motion to accept the Sewer Department Purchase Journal for December 1st  through December 31st as written, seconded by Charlie S. No discussion, voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
December 2013 Treatment Plant Upgrade Check Register:  Charlie S made the motion to accept the Treatment Plant Upgrade Check Register as presented, seconded by Ken M.  No discussion, Voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
December 2013 Water Purchase Journal:  Pete H made the motion to approve the Water Purchase Journal as written, seconded by Charlie S.  No discussion, voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
Abatement request for 150 Garnett Street: Charlie S made the motion to approve the Abatement, seconded by Ken M. After some discussion about meter readings, voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

  • Wastewater Treatment Highlights:  Discussion about rotors, mixers in ditch #1.  Dave said the plant has been running somewhat lousy due to the extremely cold weather. Maybe even a violation of TSS.  Discussed adding a new chemical feed building at the waste water plant with the extra $300,000.00 (approx) that we’ll be getting from RD.  Charlie S. asked if we would be having a formal opening with reception for the public to come and view the new plant.  It was agreed that will probably happen as we get closer to the date of opening.
Penta Corp Pay Requisition #19:  To the sum of $141,432.46. After some discussion, Ken M. made the motion to accept the requisition, seconded by Charlie S.  Voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

3.   Water Treatment Highlights:   Filter #3 at Harbor Hill cleaning was discussed. Also discussed adding new sand and the possibility of digging some of the sand to find out the depth of the sand as it is now. Discussed potential to have an engineer involved in this process.  Dave B would like to see Underwood Engineer, Mike Metcalf, because he was the original planner for Harbor Hill.  The Commission agreed.  Also discussed water meters and the possibility of adding meters at Harbor Hill to account for unused water at the plant.   Discussed Brent Stalker having dirty water at his house; it was noted that he had dirty water last year at this time and we couldn’t diagnose the problem during the winter and it appeared to right itself by spring.  
Discussed the possibility of a blow off of that area in the spring to try and curb the problem next year.
Discussed 17 School Street leak.  It was noted that a leak presented at the address in their yard.  When the curb valve was shut off, the leak stopped indicating that it was a home owner issue.  A local contractor will dig the home owner’s lawn and possible that the town will have to pay for it.  

  •  Old and New Business:  There was discussion about the Perkins Pond brushing operation being completed, the digging operation getting started. Also discussed the low pressure sewer in the cross country area completion.  Brown Industrial has moved equipment to the waste water plant and started digging the gravity today.  Installed pipe and first manhole.
Discussed snowmobiles and the trail being opened during the weekend.  
Also discussed storing pipe at United Construction and being covered by Insurance. Discussed break-ins at United Construction.
Read quotes from Village Forge and Bevilacqua Welding for steel racks for the dam at River Road pump station.  Charlie S. said that because the price was under $5,000.00, that Dave B could order it.  The commission agreed that Dave B. could instruct Village Forge build the racks for $3400.00

Next monthly meeting to be February 27, 2014

Pete H. made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared the Chairman.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.